
巴赫哥德堡变奏曲 钢琴:周善祥/阿姆斯特丹音乐厅现场/2017 25G


实际容量:2(咨询特价)  时长:02:(咨询特价)

When Kit Armstrong was only 14, he overcame his mentor Alfred Brendel’s reluctance to take on pupils. According to Brendel: 'He played so beautifully that I thought to myself, "I have to make time for him". It was a performance that really led you from the first to the last note'. Soon Armstrong was winning international prizes both as pianist and as composer and was appearing as soloist at some of the world’s foremost venues. At the Concertgebouw, Armstrong mesmerized his audience with Bach’s monumental Goldberg Variations – preceded by earlier polyphonic variation masterpieces by William Byrd, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck and John Bull.

Picture format 1080i 16:9

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